Are Your Windows Secure This Hurricane Season?

Hurricane Season – Are You Prepared? June 1st was the official beginning of this years hurricane season. So, its time to review your preparedness. Having a disaster plan and supply kit ready will go a long way toward helping you and your family remain safe during any serious incident, hurricane or otherwise. First, lets not get crazy about this Hurricanes have affected Florida, and Palm Beach in particular, in any substantial way only very, very, very infrequently, but it is better to be prepared than caught unprepared should it ever happen. Here are the steps you should take to assure that you and your family are ready for any serious storm or other incident that may occur whether you live in Palm Beach, Florida or anywhere else. Visit Hurricane Windows for all your window and door work.

Choose a window Before deciding on a manufacturer, it is important to find the window right to fit your needs. Not all manufacturers make all kinds of windows, so choose a first window that prevents the windows is limited to any manufacturers given. When deciding on the perfect windows, take a little time to decide what features you need for your situation and that the benefits you want included in your purchase new window. A must for many households here in Florida is hurricane impact windows. Unlike windows single crystal with hurricane shutters (or covered with plywood), Hurricane windows are always ready to protect against strong winds whether you are at home to put the shutters or not. Impact windows not only provide much-needed protection during a storm, but can also be energy efficient – some of our brands can save up to one month of electricity. Another benefit is security against burglary, a growing crime these days economic. The same shatterproof construction that protects against hurricanes also prevents thieves from breaking into your home through doors and windows, so you total piece of mind.

2. Check your Disaster Supply Kit It is important to make sure that everything you put into the kit stays there. Do not be tempted to remove items from the kit and use them for everyday life when you run short of something. Its just too easy to forget to replace items you remove from the kit during non-emergency times. Your kit should include at least the following. At least one gallon of water per person in your family per day, with enough for at least 4 days (more if you can). Enough food for 3 – 7 days in the form of canned, dehydrated, or other non-perishable food items. Do not forget implements including a can opener, plastic utensils and paper plates. If you want to be able to cook food, you will also need to include some form of grill or other cooking equipment and a supply of fuel. Pet care items for your pets, including food and extra water, a leash and muzzle for dogs, and a cage or carrier for any small pets. A good first-aid kit, toiletries, and personal care items. Add any prescription drugs you take regularly to the kit whenever you hear a hurricane watch has been issued. Blankets, pillows, and clothing (including cold and wet-weather clothing). Battery-operated flashlights and radio, and spare batteries. Remember that things like batteries will need to be replaced periodically to assure that the ones included will work when needed. Particularly if you have children, books, toys, and games to keep yourself and them occupied during the storm. Store copies of important documents, including insurance policies, social security & bank account numbers, wedding and birth certificates in a waterproof package. Tools (battery or hand-operated only), and where practical emergency repair items you may want to have to repair damage done to your home. Once you have assembled the kit items, store them in water-tight bags or boxes in a secure location (preferably in your designated safe room). Make sure your family knows what the kit is for, where its located, and not to remove anything from it under any circumstances without your knowledge.

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4. If you are evacuated. If you are ordered to evacuate, be patient and do things in an orderly fashion, but its better to leave early rather than late when traffic congestion may make escape impossible. Go to the primary destination you planned in your Disaster Plan. If that’s not possible go to the secondary location you specified in your Disaster Plan hopefully a second friend or relative further away from the affected storm area. If its affordable, your secondary location might be a hotel or motel. Disaster shelters set up by various rescue and recovery teams are usually fairly uncomfortable and many will not allow pets. Visit Hurricane Windows for great service on windows and doors.

Brett Ford is a pro in the hurricane window and door industry visit Palm Beach Hurricane Windows