Nigel James

A Summary Of Snake Venom Anti Wrinkle Cream For Some Seeking To Hold Onto Their Youth

Are people really paying money to put snake venom anti wrinkle cream on their faces to look younger? Isn’t it dangerous to put that kind of poison on your skin? Don’t worry, the cream doesn’t actually have snake venom in it. It’s made up of a synthetic compound that imitates the poisonous fang juice of the serpent known as the Temple Viper – a distant relative of the common rattlesnake.

Skin Care Secrets – Battling The Elements All Year Long.

When it comes to skin care, the fight is on going. Sure it’s different from winter to summer, but it is always there. Dry skin can cause the ageing process to be accelerated and nothing causes dry skin more than sunny days at the beach or a winter chill.