Have I Got A Drinking Problem – A Frequently Asked Question

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I hate to say this but if you are questioning your drinking habits and patterns you more than likely have a drinking problem. If those around you are commenting on your drinking then you may want to listen up. If alcohol is negatively affecting your life and you are continuing to drink then you DO have a drinking problem.

The positive side to having in a drinking problem is that the majority of people can just stop drinking alcohol with self determination. So many people that drink regulary will reach a point that they get into trouble while drunk, and the next day they decide to just wipe the slate clean and to continue on with their lives without consuming alcohol.

The problem comes that there a few people that can’t get past the second day without having another drink. The drinking problem is now a real one that would fall into the category of Alcohol abuse or Alcohol dependency. The problem comes if people consider this to be normal behavior, for whatever the reason and now we have reached the point of becoming an alcoholic.

If you and your family have been affected by your drinking habits there is help available. Your first stop should be your physician who can advise you regarding whether medication will be necessary as well as which care centers can assist you in quitting. Alcoholics Anonymous is another option for those who are looking for group and one on one support.

You will also find many forums and blogs on the internet that help to giving you the necessary will power to carry on with an alcohol free life, It is so important to relate to people that suffer from the same illness as you as a lifeline to carry out a normal life without alcohol messing things up again.

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