
What Are The Benefits Of A Wall Aquarium

Perhaps the biggest reason of all why wall mounted aquariums have become increasingly popular, is because they are simply incredibly convenient. Unlike regular aquariums which sit on top of a stand, and in turn cause damage to your flooring and carpets, wall mounted aquariums are simply mounted directly onto a wall. Not only does this concepts mean that your carpets won’t sustain any damage, but it also means that your aquarium won’t be taking up valuable floor space.

Penetration Testing. In-Source Or Out-Source?

Penetration testing is a well understood discipline of information security testing. Over the last decade scores of books have been written on the topic, many of which take you through the subject with step by step instructions for conducting penetration tests. So the question we often get asked as consultants is why should we hire an external party rather than conduct the testing in-house? The answer may depend on the skill set of your staff, but there are other factors to consider as well.