
Things to Consider When Installing Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Carbon monoxide is also referred to as carbonous oxide or CO. It is an odorless, colorless as well as tasteless kind of gas that is sometimes called the silent killer. Generally, it is produced in normal biological functions, particularly in small quantities in the normal metabolism of animals. However, too much inhalation of this gas becomes toxic to both animals and humans.

Prevent Your Pets From Being Poisoned By Antifreeze

Every year as many as 10,000 pets and thousands of children are poisoned by ingesting antifreeze due to ignorance or accidentally in the United States. Dogs and cats are easily poisoned by small amounts of this coolant. Cats are affected four times more sensitive to coolant poisoning than dogs. It only takes 1 to 2 teaspoons to poison a cat. Only three teaspoons will poison a medium sized dog. In most cases this type of poisoning is fatal, but even if your pet does not die from an antifreeze poisoning, your pet’s health will be forever changed.