
Excessive Cleansing Good for Acne?

If you suffered from the skin disorder known as acne during childhood, your parents may have continually reminded you to wash your face. Right after school, before dinner, and finally before bedtime they were always on your case. Most people accepted the notion that acne was caused by oil and other bacteria and grime found on the skin. We have come to learn that none of the above actually causes acne. The initial cause is actually an abnormal skin turnover cycle. When the skin cannot replenish itself by shedding old cells, the old cells linger on the skin clogging pores. This is what gives birth to acne.

Does Bacteria Cause Acne?

The mechanism that underlies acne development, especially in the case of acne bacteria, is poorly understood. Most often attribute acne lesions directly to bacteria. To this fallacy we owe the constant pestering which most of us endured as children. There was not a day that could go by without your mother or father reminding you to scrub your face. In those days, parents were convinced that the washing would mean no bacteria and oils to create acne. Present day teenagers who have experimented with the washing regimen will tell you first hand that it is not enough.

Acne-Free Skin Diet

As most of us can recall from our childhood, our parents constantly warned us against consuming too much chocolate as we could get acne. Skin care experts have vehemently denied that any link exists between diet and acne. However, evidence is accumulating that suggests an indirect relationship exists between food preferences and the development of acne.