Daily Archives: December 12, 2008

Data Center Outsourcing

Data center outsourcing is something that has grown in popularity for a number of reasons. Many find that maintaining a data center in-house is not something they can do. They may not be able to do it because of money reasons or because of manpower reasons. Many times, the reason why the manpower isn\’t there is because the cash isn\’t there to maintain that manpower.

Free Unlimited Photo Uploads And Bandwidth At Speedimg.com

If you are looking to host your photographs or share your videos with others, there are many opportunities to do so now, with many free image hosting websites now on the internet. All you need to do is, upload your photograph and link the image hosting site to your personal website. Once the image is hosted, it can be accessed globally by your family, friends and relatives. You can choose from Speedimg.com, Photobucket, Smugmug, Ofoto, Funtigo or hundreds of other free image hosting sites.