Monthly Archives: May 2009

1.5 billion light years the universe was found outside the factory-made Star

One from Japan, the United States and Mexico, astronomers of the international joint research team, said on the 7th, at a distance of about 115 million light-years of Earth where there is a “crazy-made stars” of the galaxy cluster, like the universe, the “factory-made stars.”

Creating A Feel-Good Place With The Things You Love

Wouldn’t it be nice to go home to a place that offers not just solace from a long day of work but inspiration as well to face the coming days? True, an awaited TV program, an interesting book and good old cup of tea can take away the anxieties from a hectic schedule and the aching joints from a busy day. But what if, even before you turn on the TV, open your book and boil some water, you are greeted by a scene that uplifts you? Tempting, isn’t it? Well, you can create this place in your home by decorating with inspirational pieces. No big bucks is needed for this project. Paint, some decors, furniture materials and an area rug will seal the deal. Read on