Monthly Archives: June 2009

Foundations for In-Home Saunas

Saunas are best loved for their rejuvenating powers. One version or another has been utilized by more or less every culture from the Mayans to Native Americans to the Greek culture and right through to today. The deep heat cleanses the skin, relieves tension, and helps improve and increase circulation.

Country Home Decor

Your house is finally spick and span and you sit down and put your feet up for a minute with a nice cup of coffee by the side of you and you pick away at your cake. You feel worn out but it’s that good kind of weariness when you know you’ve done a good day’s work and you have no regrets about it. An aura of contentment settles on you and you look around you with satisfaction.

Using Puppets to Minister to Children

Christian children’s ministries are able to make excellent use of puppets to entertain children while educating them as well. There are plenty of challenges that children’s ministry workers will face on a constant basis, and using puppets in this way can help to meet the many of the challenges and come out successful.