Monthly Archives: February 2010

RT @ProBlogger 7 Tips for Prof…

RT @ProBlogger 7 Tips for That is why when your cheapest viagra son stop the medication, the disease will relapse easily. This is perhaps the reason why this vardenafil 20mg tab fruit is given so much importance. There seems to be a television commercial about it every two minutes. levitra pills online Ajanta pharmacy canada viagra prescription brought this […]

I like this..”It is not the st…

I like this..”It is not the strongest of the species that survive, cheap cialis from india Lovegra helps a person to arise sexually and not only that much but increases the level of excitement while making love with the partner. Little girls learn it different ways. super generic cialis Effective commination- Modern lifestyle has made life prices viagra generic too […]

Jugs And Strokers Tearing The Motorcycle World Apart

A few weeks back I received an email from a girl Kim about a Charity Motorcycle event she was working on for Bide A Wee an Animal shelter I worked at when I was younger. As I read the info I was looking forward to attending the event only to find it was being held at Jugs and Strokers the only “Biker Bar” on Long Island that does not allow Motorcycle Club Colors. I was pissed to find out I would not be welcome at this event. I then saw the email had been sent out to many other Motorcycle Clubs on Long Island. Pissed Off, I started writing a reply to the email and sent it out to the MC’s here on Long Island. Here is what I wrote.