Daily Archives: March 15, 2010

Top Tips To Keep Yourself Distracted

Distraction may not be the smartest thing but sometimes it keeps you distracted from bad things and feelings. Distracting your thoughts may help you stay away from a nasty habit like smoking or help you avoid self-destructive thoughts. If utilized in a healthy way, it may just help you overcome broken relationships as well. Here are some easy tips that may deviate your attention and help you overcome a given situation.

Government Ban On Biker Colors In Bars !

There is a new law in Virginia that will ban Motorcycle Club Colors in Bars. The law, originally aimed at Street Gangs, is causing quite a stir with Virginia Bikers. The law states that Bar & Restaurant owners will lose their liquor license if they allow patrons who wear “gang” related attire such as Club Logo’s or Colored Bandannas.