Monthly Archives: January 2012

Planning Your Modern Wedding

Much of what was once considered standard wedding procedure, dress, and structure was actually held over from the Elizabethan, Renaissance, and Victorian eras, when marriage was a business transaction or political move as often as it was a personal choice. Many traditions have gone out of style in the past thirty years. These days, while many wedding ceremonies follow some sort of outline that recalls the traditions of the past, changing social mores, technological advances, and new trends in fashion have allowed modern couples to make their weddings truly their own.

Vehicle Leases And Why They Continue To Grow In Use Every Year

The best aspect of vehicle leases is that they typically require smaller monthly payments and usually no down payment at all. Also, there are tax deductions available for individuals and businesses that lower overall costs considerably. This can be a great idea for individuals who like to have a new car every so often.