5 Easy Ways of Cleaning Your Rabbit Hutch

It has been mentioned a lot of times that rabbits are low maintenance pets. There is no need to feed them every single hour of the day. They also settle for 2-3 cups of vegetables, or even grass and hay will do. You need not give them a bath all the time since they clean themselves up.

However, they also need your attention.

It doesn’t matter whether their rabbit hutch is located indoor or outdoor just as long as you manage to keep their surroundings clean. This is especially true when you have more than one pet bunny to prevent possible diseases to spread. The following are easy cleaning steps for rabbit hutches.

1.Take your dear pets out of the rabbit hutch first and let them stay in another place. It’s okay to use wire cages or wooden boxes since it’s only for the meantime.

2. Rabbit hutches’ accessories should be removed first. Take out layers of newspapers on the floor, if any. Bedding, feeding bowls as well as water bottles should not be inside the hutch during cleaning time.

3. You can make use of the disinfectant of your choice. Vinegar will eliminate the odors from the rabbit hutch although plain soap and water will do. You also need to scrub the walls and floors vigorously. You simply have to place the vinegar in a bowl and let it stay in the hutch to absorb the odors.

4.If you think the rabbit hutch is already clean enough, put everything back to its place. Put back the layer of newspapers on the floor first.

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If you have the time, it is ideal to clean the rabbit hutches every week. If you a have a sick bunny, isolate it from the rest and have the spot thoroughly cleaned. Here are a few ways to keep your rabbit hutch sanitized all the time.

1. No matter what the floor is made of, it is best to line it with some layers of newspapers. They may be innately clean creatures but they do defecate everywhere. If the area is lined, you basically just have to take the newspapers and replace it with a new one daily.

2.Sprinkle kitty litter under the layers of the newspapers. This is used to absorb the smell of the feces and urine.

3. As much as possible, change their bedding often. Their wastes might be scattered all over the rabbit hutch. Waste can often cause diarrhea and other diseases.

Rabbits do not really need your help in terms of cleanliness. However, children find these really cute and will often carry them around. It is therefore safe for your kids to keep your bunnies as healthy as possible.

Christopher Lunsford is a pet lover. He shares his tips and information on rabbit hutch and caring for rabbit hutches. For more resources, please follow the links.