5 Things To Consider Before You Start Your Blog

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If you want a blog that will be popular and have loyal followers you need to keep in mind the following things.

1.) Make sure your blog is set up on the right hosting service. – By this I mean, should you be using a free blogging services like WordPress.com and Blogger.com or should you be setting up a blog on your own domain.

If you are blogging for profit you should be on your own site with your own domain name. Yes, it is possible to make money with the free blogging services but you will either have to be lucky or work much harder.

Having your own domain name and your own site makes it so that you can add features like plugins that will optimize your site for better performance in the search engines which should bring more targeted prospects to your site.

2.) Make sure you use the right blogging software – software like Joomla, TypePad and Concrete will all make blogs but I recommend that you use WordPress. The main reason for this is because WordPress has the most available plugins, themes and support.

3.) Stay in your niche – when you create a blog you should know what niche you are going to be working in. Make sure you stay in this niche. If you stray too far you will loose readers because no one wants to go to a blog about fitness and read about the new triple chocolate supreme delight being offered around the corner.

By keeping your blog on target you will build a following of loyal readers that will regard you as the expert in that field. This will help you when you are selling your product and when you recommend an affiliate product. Stay in your niche to succeed.

You should also make sure that your niche is a topic you like. You don’t have to know everything there is to know about it but you must be interested in it enough that you will put in the time that it takes to make your site popular.

4.) Know your keywords – every blog relies on keywords to get search engine traffic. The keywords you choose to use should be researched and you should know that people are actually searching for these keywords.

Google’s keyword tool is a free service where you can see exactly how many people are searching for your keywords on Google every month. This is a great place to start your keyword research.

5.) Make your blog reflect you – this simply means that your blog should be something that reflects your personality or the personality of your business. This can be the tone of voice you use in your posts or it can be something as simple as putting your name and picture on the blog. Let people know who is doing the talking, let them see you, let them put a face to the voice and you will find that you will get a better following than trying to be the anonymous expert.

These steps will get you started with blogging, review them before you start your blog or if you already have a blog going see if they apply to your blog. They are the backbone of almost all successful blogs.

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