When you are making a major purchase it is important to do some in depth research about the product you will be investing in. Solar panels are a major investment for many homeowners and doing research on them can be a little confusing.
One of the hardest things to get past is the jargon associated with solar panels. Knowing the common jargon that will come up when shopping for solar panels will make things easier. You will then understand how they work and what parts make up the panels. To make your search a little easier it may help to know and understand three of the top words you will run across when researching and shopping.
Photovoltaics This is the actual science behind solar panels. It is the scientific method used to convert solar radiation into electrical energy. Photovoltaics was discovered over a century ago in 1839 and today the method has evolved and become more efficient than ever. The method involves using a semiconducting material to conduct solar radiation and transform it into energy. With solar panels, silicon is by far the most common semiconducting material used in the making of solar panels.
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Monocrystalline Silicon You will discover that most solar panels are made of either monocrystalline silicon (c-Si) or poly- or multicrystalline silicon (poly-Si or mc-Si) cells. These two types of cells are the most efficient. Monocrystalline is the higher quality, more efficient product. This is why monocrystalline silicon solar panels are more expensive. Panels made of poly-crystalline cells are sold much more often, especially for residential purposes. Ribbon silicon cells are another option. They are a type of poly-Si, but they are less efficient than standard poly-crystalline cells.
Want to find out more about Arizona solar electric, then visit Susan E Freemont’s site on how to choose the best solar companies in Phoenix for your needs.