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Anybody who’s ever heard a ringing in their ears usually finds themselves puzzled over what might be causing it or what it really could mean. It may be “tinnitus,” which is Latin for “ringing.” Tinnitus can be minor, or it can be a major inconvenience to someone suffering from it. The question to be asked is do you need a tinnitus test?
People suffering from tinnitus report hearing a ringing or buzzing in the ear. In some, the sound that tinnitus makes may show up as a low-level hum or a whistling or crackling sound that won’t go away or lessen. It can also be on-and-off, or it may be present on a 24/7 basis. Many times, the sounds can create be a serious issue for people with this “ringing in the ear.”
Doctors say that most people who suffer from tinnitus will usually complain they have “ringing in the ear.” They’re also mistaken in thinking tinnitus by itself is a disease, which it isn’t. What it is, is a symptom of some other illness or the result of a reaction to a medicine, most times. Also, if you’ve been exposed to loud noise, you’ll most likely have some amount of tinnitus, which may not go away with time. Be sure to tell all of your symptoms to your doctor.
Tinnitus reveals itself through those ringing or whistling tones. Most of the time only the person suffering from it can hear them. It may be steady and long-lasting, or it may be intermittent. Tinnitus is different from the occasional ringing in the ear, though. That goes away soon enough. An old wife’s tale about this sort of ringing says that when it occurs, somebody somewhere is talking about you!
How tinnitus affects people varies from person to person. Being a purely subjective illness, some people complain of serious problems, while other describe it as no more than a nuisance, like a mosquito buzzing in their ear. An interesting fact is that doctors themselves can sometimes hear the sound tinnitus creates in the ear of the person affected. The medical name for the sound is “bruit,” which is a general term for any sound an illness may cause in a person.
You should get a tinnitus test if the ringing, whistling or buzzing in your ear becomes a matter of concern, which most times it does. A doctor will usually administer a hearing exam called an audiometric test. This is to get an idea of how mild or severe the hearing problem has become so that the right treatment can be started. Be frank in talking about any other medical problems you may have, such as memory issues or tiredness. Many times, tinnitus is just one of several issues that could indicate a more serious medical condition.
See a doctor if you have prolonged buzzing or ringing in one or both ears. A tinnitus test doesn’t take much time and it isn’t very involved. But, you need to do everything you can to help your doctor identify its true cause or causes so that proper treatment can occur. Also, try to avoid allergy-causing foods, medicines or other substances, and be proactive in seeking help.