4 Closet Organizers Tips You Can’t Live Without

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If you find yourself struggling to keep up with the mess in your closet, then you need a system for organizing your clothes, shoes, and other items. This is something anyone can do with an afternoon and a few dollars to spend on some simple tools. In 4 steps you can take a cluttered closet and morph it into a usable space for your clothes and shoes! Let’s take a look at these steps in a bit more details.

1. Removing clothing and other items that don’t get any use.

Do not skip this step! Go through all your closet items and remove what’s not been taken out in the last year. You can either sell it on line or donate it to a local thrift store, just get it out of there! It only should be in your closet if you use it.

2. Shoe racks are great.

A favorite of all closet organizer tools, the shoe rack is of utmost importance. This is more true for those of us who have an addiction to buying shoes. Go for the kind that hang from the closet rod or the closet door so you can leverage your space to get the most out of it.

3. Use a double closet rod.

Who couldn’t use more space to hang clothes? The doubling rod does just that. By hanging a shirts length below and from your existing closet rod, you can have a second rod up in just minutes. This is a great way to get extra space without spending a lot of money on any fancy organizer toys.

4. Grouping similar items together.

Now that you’ve removed upwards of half your clothes, gotten the shoes organized, and doubled the amount of hanging space, the final step is to logically sort what’s left. How do we do that? By simply groping like items together, such as putting all your summer dresses together, and then your dress pants, dress shirts, and so on. This will allow you to easily see what clothes you have in your closet and simply grab what you need and go.

If you’ve followed all the steps above, congratulations, you have a whole new closet to work with. It will be much easier finding what you want to wear now that you’ve thrown things out, gotten your shoes off the floor, installed a doubling rod, and then grouped together similar clothing for ease of access.

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