If you didn’t know, acne can greatly affect your psychological health. In some instances, you might feel insecure and unworthy even though the acne lesion is not too severe. This just means that your psychological health can still be affected even with the least severe acne lesion such as whiteheads and blackheads.
If you are in your teenage years, you are more susceptible to the psychological and social impact of acne. During these years, it is no surprise if you are too concerned about developing your personality and social skills. Ironically, as a teen, you have come across with the idea that to be accepted by your peers you should have good looks and clear complexion.
To most teens, any signs of acne can make a person look less appealing. With this kind of thinking, more teenagers develop other problems associated to this skin condition.
According to some studies, teenagers with acne on their faces have low self-esteem. Due to their insecurity, these teenagers have difficulty making an eye contact during conversation. And to hide their acne, these teenagers grow their hair longer and hide their faces. In addition, heavy makeup is used at a young age.
There are also times that participation in social activities like sports is hindered due to acne. For such a young age, these teens already gave up on their dreams and their hobbies due to acne that can show up on their chest and back. Hence, even though they should be building their social skills, they are withdrawing from it instead.
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In some school, teenagers are sometimes cruel to other teenagers with acne breakout. If you are in this situation, your psychological health might be affected. As a result, your self-confidence will be lowered and you will feel discourage to meet other people and make bonds. If you give in to this, you might develop social phobia, which can affect your school performance.
Some teenagers with too much acne are also depressed. These teenagers usually have mood swings, behavioral problems, and insomnia. In some cases, these teens feel unworthy and cry spontaneously. If the problem is not treated immediately, this condition might force these teens to commit suicide.
Overall, if you feel that your acne is already interfering with your life significantly, it is wise that you treat it as soon as possible. In addition, consult with a dermatologist before handling your acne.
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