Addiction and Alcoholism Recovery Info and Help

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Before we even get started – a fundamentally important issue for you to understand – is that the process of recovery from addiction to alcohol or drugs, should be thought of as something totally different to the actual treatment of alcoholism or drug addiction.

The treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction usually involves, the typically, three to six week period you spend at a professional treatment center like rehab – where you’ll receive ongoing treatment, counselling and spend time detoxing, so that by the time you leave you’ll have some clean time under your belt and be equipped to begin a new (hopefully) drug or alcohol free life for yourself.

Recovery is what you do once you leave rehab – i.e. what you do the rest of your life in trying to stay clean and sober. And this is where I think a lot of addicts go wrong and why relapse rates are so high – because they see treatment as the end point, where in fact is really is only the beginning of the road for you.

Recovery from alcoholism and addiction then, is in essence, about the consistent habits and new way of life you create for yourself – so that you stay on the road of recovery road and don’t end up relapsing.

It’s the NA/AA/12-Step or spiritual program you consistently practice, dealing with your emotions and feelings so you don’t use them as an excuse for drinking or using again, making sure you hang with the right kind of people (not your old using buddies), having someone you can call when you’re feeling low …

So recovery then is about taking action and doing the ‘work’ you need to do on a regular basis, i.e. creating new uplifting habits for yourself, that will your ‘addict self’ as someone who holds no more power of you because your real ‘Strong, Warrior Self’ has taken over.

So the treatment of any addiction should be seen as the stepping stone and preparation for a life of recovery. It’s the beginning – rather than the end of the road. Now I know there are people that leave a life of addiction behind them without going the treatment/rehab route – but they’ve also done it by making significant changes in most areas of their lives and working at it consistently.

So when trying to understand alcohol addiction recovery and drug addiction recovery – remember its something you do and work at for the rest of your life. It can be hard at the beginning, but with time does become much easier – and soon your life will be unrecognisable from the nightmare it was.

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