Am I Ready For Laser Hair Removal?

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Both men and women ask for laser hair removal services to have undesirable hair removed. Hair removal is in general done on the bikini lines, thighs, face, neck, breast, arms, legs, hairline, eyebrow, top of the nose, lip, chin, ear lobe, shoulders, back, underarm, abdomen, buttocks, pubic area, , hands, and toes.

Permanent hair removal have better results on light skin and brown thick hair. The better you fit this grouping (i.e. the paler the skin and the more thick and dark the hair), the better the results will in general be. Alexandrite long pulse and diode types of lasers work best on pale-colored skin. Nd:YAG long pulse lasers are better and more secure on darker skin.

Since laser works by being attracted to and go for the dark pigment, using an alexandrite or a diode laser on brownish skin can result in skin burning or loss of skin pigment (hypo-pigmentation). Long pulse Nd:YAG lasers were created to aid dark-skinned patients, so they are more secure on the skin at settings that actually affect the hair than alexandrite and diode lasers.

When choosing your hair removal alternative choices, decide on a location whose paramount concerns are your wellbeing, healthiness, and outcome.

There is however a very critical likelihood of possible long-term or permanent epidermal damage. If you are not ready to take on these risks as an outcome of your procedure then you should re-evaluate this hair removal solution. There may be other more temporary, more dreadful, or more expensive methodsto your unwanted hair problems that you should evaluate as well.

Skin discoloration – This is usually everlasting lightening of the skin on the treated zone. As the laser is made to attack the pigmentation in darker colored hair it might now and then have an impact on darker colored skin as well. Although not a physically hurtful side effect, it could be grave and emotionally damaging.

Scaring – Scaring frequently takes place when the area is treated by someone who is minimally educated or by an unplanned over-treatment. But, although you are having your procedure done by an knowledgeable professional, you should still be prepared for any possible risks.

Burns – Burns are also extremely rare and are typically the work of less experienced technicians. It can be painful and you should be ready for this consequence too, regardless of what your practitioner or technicians qualifications are.

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