David Norman

Bronchitis Cures – All-Natural and Effedtive

How do you know if you have viral bronchitis? Only a doctor can diagnose it for sure, but you will have certain symptoms and signs of it. You may have a cough, runny nose, thickened mucous, fever and sore throat. Your cough will be down in your chest and sound really bad, and you will probably be very fatigued. You may be more susceptible to this if you have recently had the flu.

Good News for Bronchitis Fever Sufferers

This problem affects many people in the winter months when the air is cold and all those nasty little viruses are floating around everywhere. A hard cough with yellow, or green phlegm showing up in a day or two that just won’t go away, and an elevated temperature can make you miserable at any time of the year for some . The coughing can be bad enough to make your chest ache too and this is no fun at all. Some people go to the doctor and get prescription medications, others try the natural route of home care for bronchitis fever.