Elizabeth Pratt

Past Life Regression – Imagine The Possibilities!

Its an interest of many individuals with a desire to learn of their past lives. Many religions worldwide strongly believe in the existence of ones past life. Most people are curious and want to learn about their past lives and a fact that you can change your present life for the better by using past life experiences positively.

Looking For Bands – Wedding Day Preparations

Function bands, wedding bands and covers bands are basically the same thing, since they all play live music at events. However, while searching online for a wedding band you need to be specific about the style of music you want. This is because there are many types of bands available today and you must find out exactly what they offer.

Understanding Mental Telepathy

‘Mental telepathy’ can be a broad term that encompasses numerous things. It typically means reading the thoughts between people without using normal senses. There is a huge difference however between having an intuitive gut feeling and knowing information that could only be gathered by reading somebody’s mind. Both basic and complex skills can be construed as mental telepathy. The different levels of mental telepathy are summarized in this article.