Thom Yarbrough

Connecting Across Boundaries

Lotus Notes offers a host of exciting features that are useful for business users who need to be updated quickly and rapidly about important aspects in their business life. With the help of this fantastic application from IBM, many users have been able to turn around their productivity to greater levels, and as a result, profits also tend to get a boost. Here’s a look at some of the features of Lotus Notes.

Fun With iPhone Ringtones

You no longer have to pay iTunes 99 cents for every iPhone ringtone you want. In fact, using one of two methods, you can create your iPhone ringtones for free using a 16-step process or acquire a program designed to create your iPhone ringtones simply.

Imagine your iCal appointments scrolling across your Screen Saver

Macintosh iCal users know that screen savers have come a long way since the days when those kitschy winged toasters used to float around the screen when your computer was resting. But even most savvy Macintosh users don’t know that screensavers used to serve a technical function. Screen savers first came about in the days when computers had monochrome CRT monitors. They were designed to prevent phosphor burn-in, and those screensavers served their purpose well, flying toasters, swimming fish, tail-wagging puppies and all.