Thomas Fryd

The Popular Madonna Lily In The West

Although most lilies can be transplanted in September, it is desirable to plant Madonna lily bulbs in August. Madonna lilies start rooting at once and develop a small rosette of leaves before winter sets in, and these remain green throughout the winter. Unlike other lilies, the Madonna lily should be planted shallow. The bulb can be planted with the top of the bulb placed just underneath the soil, or somewhat deeper, but usually no more than two inches deep.

Growing Plants From Diminishing Heat

August, to the farmers throughout the South of Mid-America, means that crops are “laid by,” and the time for taking it easy has arrived. This is true to a large extent of the gardener, also. Much of the hottest part of the summer has passed, and only a few more days of extreme temperatures will remain to sear the garden flowers.

Prolong Blooming – Remove Old Bloom Spikes

By August many gaps have developed in the flower garden, especially in the borders. Some annuals that provided seasonal color have died out, and need replacement. Make plantings of the fall flowering annuals or some of the short day flowers. Try plantings of zinnias, marigolds, balsam, petunias, and nasturtiums for another splash of late color. Many garden centers may have a supply of geraniums for planting in August to give fall color. Also, some of the perennials will be available as container plants and can be used very effectively. Dahlias may be cut back to stimulate a new crop of late flowers.