Benefits Of Three Way Linking

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t is no secret in the online world that in order to get a high profile for your site and for lots of new people to see it, it has to have lots of links pointing at it from other sites that are seen as valuable by search engines.

Several different methods of gathering links exist and some are more effective than others. One of the older, less effective methods which strangely some people seem to favour is reciprocal linking. This is the simplest type of linking and basically involves two websites which have links on them pointing to each other.

This isn’t a great way of doing things any more because search engines like to see that your site is gaining links as natural votes of quality from other websites, however if sites are linking back and forth to one another, then search engines can conclude that there has been a agreement made in order to try and move up the search engine rankings faster, and so the link is unnatural.

These links are not completely worthless though. They still have some value because sometimes it would be natural for two sites to links to each other, like a shop and their supplier. This would probably however be worth more than any old reciprocal link because the websites would most likely have similar themes; therefore the links would be valued higher than two relatively random sites linking to each other.

So clearly what the search engines are now looking for is natural links that have been placed without the recipient directly linking back, so three way links came to one of the more preferred methods. However in order to make these links work, either the site owner that you’re exchanging links with or you have to own at least two sites.

The three-way-linking model goes like this: site A links to site B which then links to site C, which if desired can then link back to site A. Because no site is directly linking back to the site it got a link from, therefore they all look completely natural in the eyes of a search engine. Everybody wins.

For example, say you owned site A and site C and you wanted to get a link for site C, you would simply use site A as somewhere to offer a link from and in exchange, the other person would link to site C, meaning that their site becomes site B in the model. This strategy will do you far more favours than reciprocal linking, but when used alone you will probably make fairly slow progress, however when you use it alongside some other methods (which I will go into in my next article) it is highly effective.

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