Breast Cancer And Estrogen

For many years women were told that Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) offered as Estrogen Therapy (ET) or a combination of Estrogen and Progesterone (Hormone Therapy or HT) was the easy way to avoid any symptoms of the menopause. Women were given either natural or synthetic hormones to reduce hot flashes, headaches, moodiness, insomnia, and vaginal dryness.

Unfortunately doctors are beginning to realize that women have a unique hormone profile. That means that the effect of hormone replacement therapy could work for your neighbor, but have no effect on you.

Recent medical researches have indicated that there is a link between HRT and breast cancer risk. Both natural and synthetic Estrogen and Progesterone can cause acceleration in the growth of breast tissue, and breast cancer can first appear in fast growing tissue.

Unfortunately it is extremely hard to isolate one cause of cancer and blame it on one specific thing because hereditary, diet and lifestyle all play a part. At this point there may be a link between hormone replacement therapy and cancer but many more medical studies need to be conducted to ascertain exactly how that link works.
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If you are a breast cancer survivor, then it may be possible that HRT can stimulate the growth of small tumors, or hidden cells called micrometastases. But today doctors are erring on the side of caution and making a recommendation that women with a cancer risk avoid HRT. Other risk factors are women that experience the menopause later in life.

However, there are a number of women who are comfortable with the risks and want to take HRT anyway. A close relationship with your doctor is important and a journal which can pinpoint exactly what is happening is a good idea. There is an evidence that a diet high in fresh fruits and vegetables will regulate the levels of estrogens in your system naturally. Macronutrients are not going to do any harm and there is a strong argument that they can ward off a cancer risk in their own right as well as regulating hormones. Another benefit is adequate exercise which does not mean going to a gym. A brisk walk that elevates the heart rate slightly for half an hour is just as beneficial as a gym membership. It is cardiovascular exercise and it reduces the risk of obesity, because the link between obesity and cancer is certainly there.

As isolated as you may feel right now, you are not alone. Cancer diagnosis is no longer the end of the story. Cancer survivors prove every day that this can be the beginning of a whole new positive chapter in your life. Join our unique community of cancer survivors to be right now and receive a FREE report on Cancer Survivor’s tips.