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Saving money is important, whether you’re just getting started or getting more chickens, so building a chicken coop yourself is a great solution. Good ready built coops are expensive – and you will still have to assemble the pieces themselves, so find some well-produced plans and get going.
Its a great family project too. Depending on the ages of your children, they will be able to help building the chicken coop by doing something: fetching and organising the materials, telling you what to do next, assembling some of the pieces or even building the entire chicken coop.
The first thing to decide is what kind of chicken coop is right for you. If you only have, or are planning to get, a few hens, say around three, then a chicken ark could be a good solution.
Chicken arks can be moved each day so the chickens get fresh ground to graze, or you can leave them in one place and let the chickens out. A chicken ark is a simple triangular shape with a nest box and roosting space at one end and a run at the other. Building a chicken ark is a simple project that would take a day to build.
It will take you most of a weekend to build a larger hen house with a run, but i’s still a simple task if the design is based on simple shapes. This is a good design for around five hens. if you choose to build an ark as well, you then have something to move the hens around as well as a chicken coop with a fixed run.
A larger flock of ten or so will need a bigger hen house. You’ll find the pitched roof designs with nest boxes accessed externally work well, and you can always build a run to go round the outside.
If you buy plans that include all three types of chicken coop, then you will really save.