Carpal Tunnel Massage: the Logical Alternative

If you haven’t heard of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS), it’s severe pain that affects adults through repetitive work. Most of the time you will see secretaries who constantly type form this ailment, as well as construction workers and a host of other professions. When you experience the pain it primarily forms in your wrists, and then works its way through the fingers, arm, shoulders, and other areas. Once you start thinking you could have carpal tunnel, we recommend doing the proper exercises or getting a CTS massage to prevent it from becoming worse.

When you let it go and just think it’s a nagging injury, carpal tunnel comes at you in full force. The pain is definitely something no one wants to deal with, because it can change the landscape of your day in a heartbeat. However, repetitive hand movements are just one of the many reasons why you can develop CTS. Here’s an important list to remember.

Pregnancy (more specifically, fluid retention during pregnancy) Arthritis Diabetes Obesity Repetitive hand movements Smoking cigarettes (reduces circulation to the median nerve) Bone spurs Hypothyroidism Adverse effects from birth control pills

While this is definitely preventable with the right amount of care, there are also downfalls if you don’t correct the problem. What we’re trying to say is that on a mental level, you will start experiencing personality changes and even fall into depression. However, it’s not just because of the pain. It also has to do with your lack of sleep and how your productivity falls at work and on a family standpoint.

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While massages are great, we also recommend doing the proper exercises everyday. It doesn’t matter if you are working your range of motion, squeezing, doing strengthening exercises, or even ones that involve resistance. The point is that you need to make any or all of these a part of your daily routine. In doing so you will put slight strain on the area and end up getting better circulation within it. The end result is the swelling will subside and the pressure will go away.

Right now you may be feeling as though you have to live with this agonizing pain. Maybe it’s because you don’t have a health care plan, or the cost of surgery is just too much to bear. Whatever the case may be you don’t need to spend money on something you can do on your own. Anyone who suffers from CTS should realize that you owe it to yourself to get back to the way things were. In order to do it you need to get the proper relief from your carpal tunnel syndrome.

Many people think they’ve tried everything in trying to treat their carpal tunnel syndrome. They are resigned to living with pain and numbness. Tom Nicholson has been helping people like this for years, introducing them to new massage that help alleviate the pain and suffering associated with CTS. Follow this link to learn carpal tunnel exercises that have already helped so many people avoid invasive surgery and find relief.