Causes And Treatment Of Plantar Fasciitis

The ligament that connects the heel with the base of the toes is called the plantar fascia. A ligament is it, white, fibers connect of tissue.

If the plantar fascia becomes inflamed, the condition is called plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is most common in people with overpronation, commonly known as flatfootedness, but may also be caused by overuse, injury, or having high arches.

People who spend a significant amount of time every day walking and standing are susceptible to inflaming the plantar fascia and developing plantar fasciitis. This condition used to be known as policeman’s heel since policeman and people with jobs that require spending hours every day walking are susceptible to this condition.

Plantar fasciitis causes discomfort or slight pain at the heel called a stone bruise. Plantar fasciitis often gets worse if left untreated.

People who neglect to get treatment for the plantar fasciitis often have significant pain from this condition especially with the first few steps in the morning. If left untreated, plantar fasciitis can cause the ligament tear.

A large percentage of people who have plantar fasciitis will develop heel spurs from this condition. The inflamed plantar fascia can pull away from the heel and cause the formation of calcium deposits. These calcium deposits form hook-like projections known as heel spurs.

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Women are at higher risk for developing plantar fasciitis. It is thought that the cause for this increased risk for women is the lack of support in many women’s shoes. Wearing supportive shoes can help prevent plantar fasciitis.

Treatment for plantar fasciitis can include rest and special exercises to stretch the plantar fascia. The physician may prescribe the use of orthotics during the day and night splints to be worn overnight. Orthotics provide support to the plantar fascia, while night splints gently stretch the plantar fascia.

Walking barefoot should be avoided by people with plantar fasciitis as it put so much stress on the plantar fascia. Ice packs and over-the-counter pain relievers may be used to help alleviate the pain associated with plantar fasciitis.

There is a surgical treatment method called a plantar fascia release, but it is rarely done because they can cause serious complications. One such complication is fallen arches. This surgery is only performed if all noninvasive treatment methods fail to provide relief.

Please pay lots of attention to your foot health if you are having problems. And please seek any podiatrist for help if you have any foot issues. We have a free forum full of podiatrists, that give free foot health advice.