Causes Of Hearing Loss In Children

Hearing loss in children that is present at birth can be caused by heredity, drug exposure, prenatal infections, or genetic defects. In most cases of hearing loss with children, and hearing impairment is acquired after birth due to illnesses, noise exposure, trauma, or infection.

A sign of hearing loss in infants is a failure to respond to sounds and a lack of babbling or cooing. Mild hearing loss may not be detected until it is caused by routine hearing test or the child has delays in speech development.

Hearing loss in children can cause language delays and speech impairments. The use of cochlear implants or hearing aids can often improve the child’s hearing and prevent problems and speech development.

Conductive hearing loss is a type of hearing loss that is often treatable. Conductive hearing loss is caused by a blockage of sounds from reaching the inner ear. Sometimes, causes of conductive hearing loss can cause permanent hearing loss if it is not treated promptly.

Hearing loss in children is often caused by ear infections. Some ear infections are resistant to treatment or are recurrent. Ear tubes may be surgically inserted to clear a persistent ear infection and help prevent future infections.
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Genetic syndromes, normal genetic heredity, prenatal drug exposure, ends trauma to the auditory nerve or cochlea can cause permanent hearing loss known as sensorineural hearing loss. A cochlear implant is often used to treat sensorineural hearing loss. Cochlear implants are electronic hearing devices that are surgically implanted in the bone behind the ear to deliver sound directly to the cochlea.

The type of hearing loss and its severity determined the best treatments for the hearing loss. There are hearing aids designed specifically for children. These hearing aids often have childproof hearing aid battery compartments and may have features and hearing aid accessories that can be added as the child grows.

Parents of children with hearing loss need to educate themselves about the effects of hearing loss on children. Many times, parents need to act as advocates for their children to make sure they receive the proper services and treatment. Socialization in children with hearing loss is a common concern. Parents may be born to involve their children in social activities including boys and girls clubs and sports.

Allan Tan has a hearing loss site that discuss about causes of hearing loss and he discuss the different types of hearing loss on this website. During his quest, he setup this website – wanting to help others find out more about hearing loss.