Choose Window Insulation Kits Carefully

It is the dream of many of us to live in a utopian climate where the temperature is constant, 24 hours a day, seven days a week and throughout the year. Most of us never find such a climate and have to balance the temperature within our home against without. To do this, we need to be sure that our home is as regulated as efficiently as possible and does not leak. Window insulation kits can help.

For those who live in the frostier north or the steamier south, we can probably count on the fingers of one or two hands how many days of the year we are able to actually open our windows. There is nothing quite like the effect of a pleasant breeze wafting through the house, so enjoy it while you can. Most of the time, however we are worried about making sure that no air passes through those windows or doors so we can be as comfortable as possible inside.

Window insulation kits run the gamut between cheap and very expensive and you have a lot to choose from. Most homes are quite inefficient when they are built as they normally have just one thin layer of glazing. Order homes can settle and cause additional problems when gaps appear. As your utility bill will quickly show you that heating and cooling costs are significant, you need to take steps to address leaking or badly fitting windows as soon as you can.

You might not be able to see a leak with the naked eye but that does not mean that you should not fix it. Take the time to go to each of the windows in your house and do a simple test to see what you can find. Sometimes a lighted match will tell you, as the head of the flame will pull in one direction or another. Other times you can just run your hand and see if you can feel any leaks. Make a note of what you find and take steps to fix it.

Window insulation kits come in different solutions including professional panels, drapes, plastic wrap or draft stoppers. There is a big difference in cost and the amount of time and effort that you will have to expend to achieve the same goal. Don’t forget that you want the end result to be pleasing to the eye and you may want to be able to open those windows at some stage in the future as well.
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Probably the most expensive option here is what is known as double glazing, which involves fitting an additional pane of glass, trapping air in between the two. You can opt to do this yourself, to a certain extent by messing around with plastic wrap and tape, although it is very difficult to achieve the perfect result. A good alternative might be the fitting of draft stoppers in place against your problem area.

One of the best window insulation kits on the market is draft stopper. People sometimes call these “snakes” because they can be easily manipulated into any particular area. As they have ground corn cob within they make great tools for the job and will generally last for many years as well.

If you have a leaking window problem and decide that you need to pick drapes to cure it, remember that this can cause the inside of your house to take on a much darker appearance, which is not always good. Numerous solutions exist according to budget and overall goals and you should choose accordingly, or, of course, move to that perfect climate!

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