Colors Can Make Decorating Emotional

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Does the color blue depress you? Does yellow make you feel happy? Colors have a quiet way of affecting the way you feel and what mood you are in. It’s hard to relax in a bright red/orange room but you can feel calm and tranquil in a room with pastel colors or shaded colors. It’s easy to find a color that is right for each room but you need to be comfortable with that color. To begin find out what you are looking to achieve in that room; den, living room, family time, movie time, etc. then build on that.

If you are decorating a bedroom, you should choose a color with a calming effect. Light blues and soft greens both ease anxiety. In ancient cultures, people believed that staring at the color blue could relieve pain and help a sick person sleep. Paint your bedroom walls powder blue or sage green to create a restful atmosphere that induces calm and alleviates stress. You could also use blue or green accessories in your room to get the ultimate emotional response from colors.

Since red is such a bright color you will want to use it sparingly. If you plan to add the color red to the bathroom you can simply place the color in one corner or section of the bedroom and then use a neutral color to balance it all out. Red is a great color to use when creating a romantic feel to the room but red can be too over-stimulating. If you want to make your bedroom romantic try painting the section of the wall that is directly behind your bed. Use a neutral color for the rest of the room. You can also accent your room in red so you can place it evenly.

One color to add to your kitchen or dining room is yellow. This bright color gives you a feeling of happiness. When a room has enough natural light it compliments the yellow in your room. This is the best color for a sun room. If you are using a yellow in your living room try using a buttery shade so the atmosphere can be relaxing and natural feeling.

When decorating a room you should feel comfortable blending colors. When you blend them you create a whole new look. Most of the time it is a natural feel when you have created the right look. It just feels right to you and that means it is balanced. For example, if you want to decorate with red use red accents instead blended with a cream color area rug on the floor in the center of the room. It gives the room such a delightful feel and look. You and your guests will be pleased.

Finally, never underestimate the power of white to transform a room. Many designers are using white monochromatic themes to create beautiful rooms. White evokes emotions of internal purity and cleanliness. It may seem like a boring choice, but if you use multiple textures and fabrics and vary your lighting, white can be the perfect color choice for creating a relaxing atmosphere.

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