Dealing With Chronic Tension Headaches

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Chronic tension headaches are a serious ailment that can detract from enjoyment of daily life. Daily activities can be painfully interrupted by the sudden occurence of a tension headache. Chronic tension headaches can easily lead to depression and a general pain crisis.

It is important that chronic tension headaches receive prompt attention and medical care. Fortunately, the medical community is very experienced with the problem of chronic tension headache, and has several avenues of treatment available for sufferers. In fact, headaches are actually divided into three individual categories.

The majority of headaches suffered are put into what is known as the primary category. A primary headache is frequently brought on by emotional or physical stress, and is the most common form of headache by far. Primary headaches are almost never life threatening, but are known to cause significant discomfort. This pain can impair enjoyment of daily activities, making even basic functioning difficult.

Although the exact causes remain something of a mystery, it is widely held that the symptoms are brought on by a tightening of the muscles that surround the base of the skull. This tightening comes on as a sensation of tightness at first in the patient’s cranial area.

Cluster and secondary headaches are a far rarer form of headache that occurs to small portion of the population. To treat this kind of headache, serious medical attention is required. Cluster headaches are easily identified by the pain level that they induce. Patients frequently describe cluster headaches as like having an icepick driven into the eye. Treatment includes powerful sedatives and pain medications. Secondary headaches can be a sign of deeper neurological issues.

Chronic tension headaches should be approached from a stress management point of view. Physical and emotional stress are both known to trigger chronic tension headache. Circumstances that trigger significant emotional stress can easily lead to chronic tension headaches. Prolonged physical stress can also be tied directly to chronic tension headaches.

Steps to manage both kinds of stress should be undertaken in order to reduce the occurence of chronic tension headaches. If these steps do not succeed, then further treatment with more powerful pain medications may be necessary. Chronic tension headaches that occur on a regular basis should be a signal to see a doctor.

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