Decorating A Hardwood Floor With An Area Rug

Hardwood flooring will take on a softer look with an area rug to boot. A bonus is the protection an area rug gives to the hardwood floor from the onslaught of scratches or scrapes from the furniture.

Decide first on the design you want. From here, choose the appropriate area rugs in terms of color, design or pattern, and the material. Not to worry though as there are numerous assortments of area rugs that choosing for your desired theme is hassle-free.

There are hundreds of available colors. You can have the lightest-colored to the darkest-colored area rug, or a mix of different tones. For more drama, go for contrasts. A dark hardwood floor will look more enhanced with a bright area rug or the exact opposite, a light-colored one.

Texture in a room is not only from the drapes, upholstery or covers. Area rugs also add to the play of softness, lushness or smoothness. Braided rugs give a more relaxed feel to the space while woven rugs make the room look neater. Of course, the thicker and softer the rug, the better it works for the sleek, hard wooden floor.

Bamboo area rugs are a popular choice for a tropical theme. So if you have light oak hardwood flooring, you might want to consider this design and pair it with bamboo rugs. Bamboo may be a green plant, yes. But bamboo rugs are available in different colors should you wish to use other hues.
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An option is an area rug made of seagrass. This is another natural area rug with the same durable quality. Seagrass rugs also look great with a country theme.

For a more modern look, area rugs with geometrical design, neutral color or even the basic black and white combo will look nice. Most homes with hardwood flooring make use of modern design with minimal furnishings. An area rug will be perfect for adding decorative quality to the place.

Mixing and matching area rugs with different designs to incorporate different themes as well is okay as long as the pieces complement and not clash with each other. This is especially true with the color. You can mix a country-inspired area rug with a Moroccan style, but make sure that they look pleasing to the eyes. Hardwood flooring should be emphasized with attractive floor decors and not otherwise.

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