Discover How To Determine If You Suffer From Acute Anxiety And Panic Attacks

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If you are unclear about whether or not you are a potential acute anxiety and panic attack sufferer, you will be by the end of this article. This write up promises to clear your doubts concerning the likelihood of your being at risk of suffering from acute anxiety and panic attacks. Let us begin…

Acute Anxiety And Panic Attacks: What are they?

Accompanied by a drastic change in the behavioral pattern of the sufferer, acute anxiety and panic attacks are categorized under psychiatric dysfunctions. Statistics reveal that many sufferers of acute anxiety and panic attacks experience an attack at least once during the course of their lifetime while a few have actually experienced these acute anxiety and panic attacks numerous times. In fact, predictably, 1.7% of adults living in the United States of America alone have one form of acute anxiety and panic attack or another! It has been discovered that most of these people generally had/have these within their early adulthood prior to the age of Twenty-five.

Also discovered was that those people who developed acute anxiety and panic attacks were, more often than not, those who have experienced a variety of incidents that were shocking. These findings also indicated that females are about 2 times more susceptible to developing acute anxiety and panic attacks than males.

Acute anxiety and panic attacks can last for a span which vacillates from a couple of minutes to hours; although it is generally brief. People who are experiencing acute anxiety and panic attacks are often times moody and quiet. This is so because the sufferers are afraid or tremendously worried, they always see these periods of time to be the most scary periods in their lives – some even say “…since they were born!” During an acute anxiety and panic attack, the sufferer’s feeling include:

– A very strong urge to run away from the location where the panic attack began. – A feeling of loss of control. But what is actually occurring is a condition known as the “flight or fight” response. This is how your sympathetic nervous system responds to your acute anxiety and panic attacks.

What Are The Causes Of Acute Anxiety And Panic Attacks?

Acute anxiety and panic attacks can be caused by a variety of physical and psychological reasons. These reasons can be interwoven. Below are a few causes of acute anxiety and panic attacks.

– Childhood influences (memory of a bad childhood experience etc) – Personality traits (anxious, attempting to meet high expectations of yourself etc) – Unstable blood sugar levels can be the result of poor eating habits, dieting and fasting. – Over-breathing (hyperventilation) happens when you are under stress.

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