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Decontamination is actually the removal of harmful particles from the surface of an object or even from a human body. So, it is not as simple as it seems to be. Various solutions have been made to decontaminate medical instruments, military hardware, vehicles, equipments for taking water samples from different areas etc. There is a long list of contaminants but few are as under:
Micro – organisms such as bacteria and viruses Organic matter such as blood, faeces, and vomit Soil Dust
Cleansing involves various processes such as cleaning (cleans the part to some extent), disinfecting (helps a little more), sterilising (helps a lot), and thus maintaining the life of an apparatus. Before doing anything else, apparatus ought to be cleaned by removing dirt or soil particles that is pretty simple to do. It can be done by employing just water and detergent.
After cleaning it thoroughly, disinfection procedure is started that kills maximum but not all micro-organisms. Sterilisation is a process that actually kills all microorganisms and removes them completely from the equipment.
Cleansing apparatus is that apparatus that cleanses tools and apparatus. Its purpose is to remove all the unwanted particles and organisms from apparatuses so that they can not spread infection to human beings or damage the functioning of other apparatus. But sometimes while handling cleansing apparatus, a being can be affected badly. So, it is always recommended to wear coat, gloves, and glasses. Shoes and full length pants ought to also not be ignored. Chemical means to cleanse anything can be life threatening for the being handling them.
Cleansing apparatus that have been used to cleanse medical tools are really helpful. Negligence in this part can cause grave injure to human health by spreading various illnesses from one patient to the other, cleansing actually works in this regard.
As far as military equipments are concerned, you cannot recommend decontamination equipment with surety. Army people believe that there has to be some better alternative to this instead of following old processes and procedures. Reason behind this can be the destruction that decontamination equipment and various agents used in it cause to the environment. They are not only harmful to environment but also to the hardware itself that has to be cleaned. They are inflammable so are not safe to use in ships for decontamination purposes. They also damage the equipment to some extend and are dangerous and sometimes deadly to handle.
After discussing medical and military point of view, let us see what happens when decontamination process takes place in an industry. It is seen that simple washing and cleaning is not a problem, but when sterilisation is done, it destroys the materials or equipment, specifically if irradiation process is adopted.
So, we see that we do not have any other choice at the moment but to make use of decontamination equipment in order safeguard other equipments from contamination. What we can do is to take serious precautionary measures before handling it to avoid any damage to ourselves or to the instruments and equipment. Wearing proper dress for it and taking prior training is the best solution at the moment.