Embarrassing Hemorrhoids – Cured In 48 Hrs

Also known as piles, hemorrhoids are inflamed venous tissue and blood vessels in the anal region. Normally occurring much later in life as a result of poor diet obesity and other causes they may also occur in the young, even children.

Two types of hemorrhoids are possible, internal and external. Most people have the internal type and don’t even know. Internal type hemorrhoids cause painless bleeding which is often evident after a bowel movement. The external type is the most bothersome and are associated with pain and. Symptoms of hemorrhoids include irritation around the anus and acute pain in and around the rectum.

These are many of the common causes of hemorrhoids…

Straining during bowel movements and constipation.

Poor diet low in fibre high in fat.

Regularly sitting in the one position for lengthy periods of time.

Not exercising enough.

Periods of severe or extended coughing.

Women during pregnancy and childbirth.

Improper lifting of heavy loads

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The obese are at higher risk.

The elderly are at higher risk.

Quite a number of methods are available to treat hemorrhoids

A 15 or 20-minute Sitz bath will reduce swelling and give relief. 3 times or more per day is very beneficial. Be most careful when drying the area so as not to make matters worse. Ice cubes placed on the distressed painful region will also help. Try using a hemorrhoid cream or ointment 3 to 4 times per day.

Prevention is probably the most important point to concentrate on. The biggest cause of hemorrhoids is straining when going to the toilet most often from being constipated. You should eat a high fibre diet and, alcohol coffee and tea should be avoided, as these liquids may cause dehydration. Drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water every day. Combined with the added fibre to your diet this will keep your stool soft and easy to eliminate.

In order to successfully treat hemorrhoids address the symptoms and get some relief and then making some life style changes to prevent re-occurrence. If this is your first bout of the condition then you need to take notice. This is your opportunity to be proactive. Take action to prevent this condition from being a real problem. If you don’t treat it properly it is likely to get far worse. You don’t want this problem to get to the point where you will require surgery.

According to research, more than one third of advanced-stage hemorrhoid sufferers were unhappy with the outcome of surgical removal. (source: Surgical Endoscopy. 2008 Nov; 22(11):2379-83)

Even after expensive surgery, there is no guarantee that the hemorrhoids wont come back. Your hemorrhoids can still return and you would be subject to the same problem all over again.

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