Exploring Your Mindpower

It is a well known fact that most humans use only about 10% of their potential mind power. It’s something staggering to think about; how high must our potential be if we only use this small fraction of our minds! What could you accomplish if you were able to use 100% of your mind?

The scientific opinion has long been that those who have psychic abilities and extra sensory perception are able to use these abilities by tapping into those great unused mental reserves. Some seem to have been born with these abilities, while others learn later on in life how to start using this potential mind power.

We’re not sure yet how it works, but there is ongoing research into how our own mindpower can influence the world we live in.

Some studies even point towards the ability of our own minds to change reality. Our minds may be molded by the world less that they mold it, it seems.

‘The Secret’ and other works about the law of attraction lay out how to use mindpower to change their lives and even the world!

The law of attraction is all about cause and effect. The principle holds that our thoughts have no less of an effect than our physical actions and that focused thoughts can attract outcomes to us.

The subconscious mind appears to be out means of communicating with the universe and channeling universal energy as well as being the source of psychic abilities like telepathy.

In order to develop your mindpower, you need to get your conscious and subconscious minds in communication with each other. There a number of different methods to build this link and help you increase your mindpower.

Affirmations:- A staple of positive thinking, affirmations are repeated until they sink into the subconscious mind, where they influence your behavior to achieve the desired outcomes. Your subconscious can make things happen by using your unused mindpower.

So if someone needed more self esteem for example, they would keep repeating to themselves at various times throughout the day something like: ‘I am a confident person’ ‘I deserve to be happy’ etc. Or they may wish to change a bad habit which would involve them repeating to themselves: ‘I always eat sensibly’ or ‘I no longer feel the need for a cigarette’.

Affirmations produce results with repetition. You need to repeat the message until it reaches your subconscious and begins to make you change your behavior to get the results you’ve wanted.

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Visualization:- Using visualization to develop mindpower involves closing your eyes and imagining what you want to happen. Your subconscious mind reacts strongly to pictures. Visualize yourself being successful. Imagine yourself will everything you have ever dreamed of! Visualize that new house, that new car. You can even make a scrapbook beforehand containing pictures of everything you want to manifest to help you focus. Visualize consistently and it really will appear in your life.

And you can also visualize yourself having psychic powers. Visualize yourself communicating using telepathy. See yourself being able to see into the future, or view remotely. Using mindpower whatever you want to happen will.

Hypnosis:- Hypnosis is another well known way of communicating with your subconscious mind and helping to develop mindpower. If you visit a professional hypnotist or hypnotherapist they will start by making sure you are totally relaxed and then offer suggestions to your subconscious mind which it will remember when you wake up.

You can also use self hypnosis by listening to a recording of a hypnotherapy session. Not only s this less costly than seeing a hypnotherapist, but you can use this recording over and over again as needed.

Brainwave entrainment:- This is a new audio technology which is brainwave synchronization. This changes instantly your brainwaves to a certain frequency. This can result in many things. At a certain frequency you can improve your memory. At another frequency natural endorphins are released into your body which heal and alleviate pain.

Other frequencies can assist you to get into a state of meditation very quickly to allow communication with your subconscious mind and therefore the development of your mindpower to take place.

You can also listen to frequencies which are designed to build mindpower by stimulating the chakras ” the energy centers located throughout the human body. The ‘third eye’ chakra located in the forehead is especially important, since this is the chakra which is responsible for psychic powers.

All of us already have these psychic powers; but they must be developed by enhancing your mindpower. Unless you make the effort to develop these abilities, they remain locked in your subconscious mind and are never used.

In fact, when we speak of developing mindpower, it might be more accurate to talk about unleashing these powers which lie inside all of us and allowing us to use our full mental potential.

Brian Parry writes for the popular http://www.mindpower-info.com website. Discover how easy it really is to be successful at Mindpower by visiting here. Change your life forever with a huge collection of Free Mind Power binaural beats, hypnosis and affirmations Audios.