Find out Why Vinpocetine accelerates memory retention.

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Poor blood circulation to the brain cells is one of the most important reasons, which is liable for cognitive declivity associated with ageing issues regarding the remembrance of names, directions, memory lapses, appointments and disorientation. In fact, many research studies showed that Vinpocetine sharpens your concentration and focus and has the power to guard against development of mental illnesses by increasing blood flow in the brain. Often, this benefit is found amongst people, who have already felt the level of age-associated impairment with regards to cognitive capabilities.

Vinpocetine is the derivative of extract taken from a periwinkle plant or evergreen shrub. This shrub largely hails from the European nations. Many researchers have examined this against combating strokes and other age-associated declination in the proper performance of brain. In recent days, this drug is made available in the USA as a prescription drug, but it is available as over-the-counter medication in the European nations as well.

Also, Vinpocetine works to enhance the working power of the brain in such a way that with increased oxygen flow there is increased adenosine triphosphate (ATP), also an energy booster of our body. For those people who have diseases like dementia that come about because of numerous little strokes, there seems to be quite some relief for the brain because of the increased levels of oxygen. Also, due to this dementia, there could be problems with remembering things, and this is something that is very similar to Alzheimer’s problem. With Vinpocetine, your brain can be saved from numerous other problems that come about because of strokes.

Conclusions based on Research:

Numerous studies have revealed different possibilities with Vinpocetine as a substance that builds our attention spans and hones our concentration. Some of these are:

1. Fosters better ATP levels in the brain 2. Makes sure that more glucose passes through the cells 3. Does not let the blood become too sticky 4. Boosts the memory and learning ability 5. Pushes up levels of neurotransmitters like serotonin 6. Makes the brain react better even when there is low supply of oxygen 7. Enhances the working of the brain 8. Comes to aid in problems regarding changes in mood, sleep related disturbances and other depression related problems 9. Treats tinnitus and other associated auditory diseases

Thinking of the advantages that Vinpocetine gives us in the long term, it is much more important than the immediate benefits which can come your way once you start consuming Vinpocetine as a nutritional supplement. These immediate advantages are related to boosting oxygen levels and supply of nutriments to the brain across numerous regenerative stages. Since it is mostly a harmless supplement, those who consume them do not suffer from any ill effects as a result. Also, if you have exceeded the prescribed dosage also, there will not be that much of a harm due to Vinpocetine.


In simple words, Vinpocetine supplements are 50 times less toxic as compared to a cup of coffee. The main benefit of this supplement is that, the risk factors involved with this compound are very less, when it comes to side effects. These supplements are generally not advisable for women, who are nursing or expecting and also for the people endued with hypersensitivity or allergic reactions.

Furthermore, when Vinpocetine is used more than it is required, there can be a decrease in BP. Some of the undesirably effects which have come to light now are sleeplessness, queasiness, sleepiness, fast heartbeat, hot flushes, faintness, headaches, temporary lowered blood pressure and dry mouth.

Generally speaking, Vinpocetine is a very effectual dietary supplement that can ensure that the brain works better and all its processes come about smoothly. At present, it is very popular amongst the people in US who are growing old and even quite a few doctors.

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