Gardening ABC’s – Prep Before Your Grow

Careful Preparation:

Careful preparation of planting areas, before planting, is certain to pay dividends in the form of healthy plants of vigorous growth.

When preparing a seed bed for plants or vegetables, the addition and thorough incorporation of well rotted manure, leaves or peat moss to the soil is an essential to good growth, as the top soil in most locales has been removed or turned under during building operations.

Make certain that the soil depth in the bed is sufficient to accommodate the rooting habit of the plants being set out. In old beds, the soil tends to become compacted and stale, so work it up, add humus such as peat or manure to aerate it before replanting.

When setting plants out, tamp the soil down around them and make sure that there are no air pockets around the roots. Water well after setting out plants, preferably with a solution of water-soluble fertilizer.

Plant far enough from foundations to accommodate the growth habit of the particular plant. Transplant in the cool of the early evening or on a dull, sunless day.

Proper Care During Growth

After planting, care is also essential to maintain good growth such as growing dracaena reflexa, and adequate soil moisture is an essential with most garden plants. Plants like dracaena reflexa should be watered in the morning or early evening, not during the heat of the day. Begin watering before the plants show signs of drought, such as wilting or off-colour of the foliage.

Some plants may require clipping or light pruning during the season, but this should be done judiciously so as not to harm the plants.

Weeds compete with the plants for moisture and food and so should be removed and the soil lightly stirred up several times during the season to prevent crusting and to improve soil aeration.

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Insects and diseases are a constant menace to garden plants and so a good practice to follow is, either to spray or dust the plants with an insecticide-fungicide mixture like one from Bayer as soon as they become established, and make repeat applications every two weeks throughout the season. In this way, the plants are constantly protected and no infestation can reach damaging proportions.

Label directions should be carefully followed when applying these materials. Dusts should never be applied too heavily. Apply a light, even coating so that a barely visible deposit is left.

When to Apply Fertilizer:

If a granular fertilizer mixture is being used, it is best applied and incorporated in the soil before seeding and setting out plants. Many commercial fertilizers may burn tender plant roots and so should be mixed into the soil and not just dumped into the planting hole.

Water-soluble fertilizer such as 20-20-20 can be applied in the transplant water, to get the plant off to a good start, and then at regular intervals throughout the season.

In home vegetable gardens, the use of fertilizers is necessary for the production of good vegetables, and a side-dressing along the row, or application of water-soluble fertilizer is recommended after plants are established.

Do not apply fertilizer to woody plants or other perennials after the beginning of August, otherwise they may be forced into late, soft growth which will not “harden” off before winter, resulting in winter-killing.

Use high nitrogen fertilizers for leafy growth, such as green vegetables, hedges and lawns.

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