Getting Help With Colic

Listening to a baby cry is part of life, this is because the infant cannot talk yet to say what he or she wants so the parents have to do whatever it takes to make it stop. Some will over-react and believe there is something wrong with the child, should this occur longer than usual. There are some new moms and dads who will even make a journey to the hospital to see if the baby is OK. Starting in the first three weeks until at latest the fourth month a baby could have colic which a pediatrician will explain if symptoms happen. Various things may cause this but parents are just interested in stopping it.

Parents should be well aware that this may occur at anytime, from early in the morning, the afternoon when the infant should be napping or late at night. The reason is that there is a difference between the biological clock of a newborn and an adult. The main caregivers will sometimes find that their night time routine is more disturbed than usual, resulting in increased fatigue.

You can never neglect a crying baby and hence you should get up and take a look at the infant and see what is wrong. The baby’s diapers may need to be changed or it has to be fed and if this is not the trouble, perhaps holding the baby in one’s arms and singing a lullaby can work.

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Another good thing moms and dads can do to help their intestinal colic child by carefully monitoring their child’s food intake. Some foods are known to develop gas and this is passed on to the infant in the form of milk during breastfeeding. Knowing which products are right to eat can forestall this, but still if it doesn’t work, giving Simethicone can be given under such specific circumstances. Raising a child will have its highs and lows – the intestinal colic stage is only the beginning of a lot of challenges that moms and dads will have to go through.

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