Hayfever, which known in medical terms as allergic rhinitis, is basically an allergic reaction to pollen. Unfortunately, it is during the otherwise pleasant days of spring and summer that this miserable affliction is often at its most widespread.
Hayfever symptoms can take the form of some or all of the following:
* A runny nose
* Heavy sneezing
* Itching – particularly in the throat, around the eyes and in the nasal area
* Bloodshot or watery eyes
* Headaches
* Congestion
* A build up of mucus in the nose which sometimes drips back into the throat (known as ‘post nasal drip’).
Although they may seem minor, the combined effects of hayfever symptoms can put a real strain on everyday life, especially for those who go to school or work each day
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Identifying whether these symptoms could definitely be down to hayfever, however, can be tricky. Other types of allergy, a cold, or indeed a completely separate condition, may show similar symptoms.
Whilst the key pointers below may help distinguish hayfever from a cold, it is always essential to seek advice from a qualified pharmacist so that the right over-the-counter treatment can be administered.
One of the signs that can sometimes be used to identify whether the person is suffering from hayfever rather than a cold is the that of itching; particularly itching that affects the eyes, nose, ears, or roof of the mouth, for example.
Secondly, if the onset of the symptoms coincide with the start of the spring or summer season then this can also be strong grounds for arguing that hayfever is having an effect.
Once a pharmacist has made a diagnosis, then simple but appropriate remedies can be administered to relieve the hayfever symptoms. These should start working very quickly and will show once and for all of course that the person was suffering from hayfever rather than a cold.
Visit the Co-operative Pharmacy for medicines to deal with the symptoms of hayfever.