Saving money is important to numerous people and some even attempt to save it by doing home interior design themselves. That’s OK. There’s nothing wrong with do it yourself. It gives a person a terrific sense of fulfillment when the work is done well and looks great.
Having your house go up in flames because of faulty equipment or tools used in a interior project would not be your goal. It often pays to get a professional to, at the very least advise you when you’re about to engage in do-it-yourself interior. Even with the advent of home improvement super stores, there are still many jobs you may want to either avoid, or get professional advice or assistance. It is helpful to follow any rules that you learn from your professional advice. After all, this is your residence we’re speaking about; and interior work may be worthwhile, it can be catastrophic if done improperly.
When you robustly agree with the statement, “What harm can it do,” you should definitely resist the temptation to tackle a job that you know very little about. You will find many instructional DVDs showing how to do many do-it-yourself projects. Don’t just dive into the job and hope that you can learn the safe way of doing it as you work through the project. And even though, you will also discover numerous instructional books, it still may pay you to consider the services of a professional.
If electrical work or plumbing is part of your home improvement project, and you have had little experience with either, take some firm safety advice and hire a professional. As a non-professional working on either, you can cause grave physical harm to yourself, and severely damage your house. Work smart on this part of your interior design – stow your ego, and contact a professional.
Load Bearing Are you aware that removing a load-bearing wall could cause your home to collapse? If you’re not one hundred per cent certain about the wall, as well as its load bearing status, locate a professional.
Prior to putting a sledgehammer to your wall in order to add space in your kitchen, you should ask yourself, “Do you feel lucky?” Is that wall you’re about to take out only a room divider or is it part of a load bearing structure? Are you aware that removing it could cause your home to tumble? It’s important that you know this information before you begin. Find out how to know if it is before you wield that sledgehammer.
One more thing to consider about that wall you want to remove. Is there any plumbing or electrical wiring inside of the cavity? Smacking a wall that’s hiding electrical or plumbing lines has a great chance of causing bodily injury as well as irreparable damage to the home. Although in many parts it is illegal, some contractors in the name of appearance put gas lines inside there too.
Know your limits when you start your interior design. If you can recognize the things you don’t know, put aside your ego and remember, this is your residence, and if you go around bashing out load bearing walls, then you won’t be left with much of a structure to remodel. Most insurance policies will become void if there is careless interior work. Home interior design work can be rewarding but always work safely when engaged in interior work.
Chad Dethelo continually writes newsletters on ideas relating to countless styles of curtains and drapery styles. You can discover his articles on types of drapery styles on his site.