How Much Do You Know About Acne

Scientifically called Acne Vulgaris, acne is one of the most widespread skin conditions in the world. Acne affects the sebaceous glands and the hair follicles being accompanied or not by tissue inflammation. What we refer to as zits or pimples make in fact acne lesions, and they affect the majority of teenagers as well as very many adults in their twenties or thirties. Most of the time, body intoxication, unhealthy diet and hormonal imbalances represent among the main causes of the skin disease.

The shoulders, the neck, the face and the upper back are the body parts most exposed to acne outbreaks, but in more severe forms, people get acne even on their head skin. The acne symptoms and the aspect of the lesions are the elements that allow the diagnosis of a certain type of acne over another. The severest form is cystic acne that is both painful and pretty difficult to treat: besides the external pimples, there are cysts present deep into the skin.

As for the treatment of acne, there is a multitude of options for all the degrees of disease severity but they all need to be used wisely and usually following the doctor’s orders. The complex thing about the condition is that there is a very serious and worth considering issue related to acne: its psychological impact on the sufferer who is often marked by scars permanently. If pimples were the challenge of the initial acne outbreak, then scarred tissues only speak of the consequences.

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Sometimes you don’t need a specialist to tell you all these since most of the things you can do are common sense. Nevertheless it is important to stay realistic and to avoid trusting all the false myths that have been created around acne. Before using one remedy or another, check its safety and efficiency in other treatment cases. Choose the therapeutic approach because that will work best for your health!

For Further Information About acne solutions, acne scar treatment, and best acne treatment, head to my blog to read my acne treatment reviews