HPV Cervical Cancer Vaccine – Merck’s Greed

The new HPV Cervical Cancer vaccine is being suggested to girls as young as 11. HPV (Human Papillomavirus), a virus that is present in Cervical Cancer and considered a cause of it, is sexually transmitted.

There are in total about 130 different strains of HPV. The HPV Cervical Cancer vaccine protects you against 4. 2 of which cause 70% of Cervical Cancers.

There are many reports of side effects and even 39 deaths to date in the USA accredited to this vaccine. There have been no long term studies done as this vaccine is so new. This should point to some crucial questions about whether the vaccine is required or safe.

Cervical Cancer accounts for about 2% of all cancers worldwide. 80% of these (thats 80% of the 2%) are in low income countries. If you live in the USA, UK or Australia for instance, the incidence and death rate well below 1%.

Government Marketing will only quote you the worldwide figure as your local figure is not so convincing. There are 300,000 deaths a year, worldwide from Cervical Cancer. That figure is not important to you, where you live, unless you are in the third world.

More people die worldwide from drowning, falling or in road traffic accidents than from Cervical Cancer.

Since the introduction of the Pap Smear in 1941, Cervical Cancer death has decreased by 74%. The test is considered the most successful cancer screening system ever discovered.

More than 90% of Cervical Cancer cases are curable if the disease is detected and treated early enough. Yet, up to 11% of American women still do not have a Pap Smear.

Extending the screening program would do the trick, not a vaccine.

The Gardasil HPV Cervical Cancer Vaccine will cost YOU more than any other vaccine in history to buy ($360). When Merck introduced their vaccine they lobbied to have it made mandatory (forced on you). Now, what were their motives for this? Not to stop a raging epidemic that is for sure; to make money of course.

Dr Diane Harper is a scientist, physician, professor and the director of the Gynecologic Cancer Prevention Research Group at the Norris Cotton Cancer Center at Dartmouth Medical School in New Hampshire.
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She was contracted by Merck (makers of the vaccine) to supervise the clinical trials for “Gardasil” because of her credentials; 20 years of HPV vaccine research and development.

She is internationally recognized as a pioneer in the field, Harper has been studying HPV and a possible vaccine for several of the more than 100 strains of HPV for 20 years – most of her adult life. You dont get a better authority than this and the drug company contracted her to be in charge of the trials.

She says ;

1) There is not enough evidence gathered on side effects to know that safety is not an issue.

2) Giving it to 11 year olds is a great big public health experiment. All of her trials have been with subjects ages 15-25.

3) For months, Harper said, she’s been trying to convince major television and print media to listen to her and tell the facts about this vaccine. “But no one will print it”, she said.

4) It is important to note that the vaccine has not been tested for efficacy (effectiveness) in younger girls, she said. Instead the effectiveness was “bridged” from the older girls to the younger ones – meaning that Merck assumed that because it proved effective in the older girls, it also would be effective in the younger ones.

5) Merck was required to put together a database on the effectiveness in children before Gardasil was approved, Harper said. But instead, the company put together four studies that “are not necessarily representative, and may not even have enough numbers to determine what they need to know”.

Our daughters are being used as guinea pigs! They are testing it on them.

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