HPV Genital Warts Men: Incubation Period For Genital Warts

Although Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) causes lesser severe health problems in men as compared to women, the increase numbers of female genital warts implied an increase risk of men having penile warts and possible penile cancer. Few studies have established the correlation between penile cancer and HPV infection. Findings show that 5 out of 10 or equivalent to 47% of men with penile cancer have HPV infection history. Hpv genital warts men who have 2 or more sexual partners before the age of 20 have a 4 to 5 risk of this cancer. This may also due to HPV infection. Penile warts are genital warts, one of the most common Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) that caused by HPV infection. They grow on the tip of the penis and can develop from small papules into 4 inches length in size that may cause problems in urination and sexual intercourse. Penile warts are very contagious and can easily spread to other parts of the body such as anus, groins and inner thighs of the infected person or to other people through skin-to-skin contact normally during genital, oral or anal sex.

Even though Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveals that the types of HPV that cause penile warts and penile cancer are not the same, there is evidence that men with a history of genital warts have an increased risk of penile cancer. HPV Types 16 and 18 were found to be related to this type of cancer and they have been recognized as high-risk types by WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer due to their cancerous risk. They are strongly associated with penile pre-cancerous changes (intro-epithelial neoplasia) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC).

The incubation period of a virus is the time taken for the virus to show up as a symptom after the initial contact. The HPV virus has a long incubation period that typically ranges from three weeks to eight months. The average incubation period for the HPV virus has been estimated to be three months. However, there have been cases when the HPV virus has surfaced only years after exposure.

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So far there are no approved tests to detect HPV infection in men, but smear test is used for men who have sex with men. Gardasil is currently the only available vaccine for males to prevent HPV infection which is normally given at a young age and should be given prior to a person’s first sexual contact. Use of condom is believed to be able to reduce the risk of HPV infection. A Danish study proved that men who had never used condoms had at least double the risk of penile cancer as compared to men who had used condoms.

Learn more about how to get help with Curing HPV Genital Warts.