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The attainment of inner peace does not require any external force. There is a huge energy reservoir within our bodies that is sufficient to fulfill all our physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. All thats required is to channelize and balance the movement of seven primary energy centers, or chakras, in the body.
These seven Chakras each have a distinct color associated with them, which governs its movement ” balanced or imbalanced. If there is an imbalance, you can correct it by employing Chakra Color Therapy to the relevant imbalanced Chakra.
The main Chakras along with their description and associated colors are discussed below:
1. The Base Chakra (Muladhara) is situated at the coccyx (base of the spine). This first chakra is associated with our very basic survival needs, courage, and vitality. The color associated with this chakra is Red. The attributes of Red color for the body includes vitality and energy provider on all levels.
2. The Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana) is situated in the lower abdomen. This second chakra is associated with second basic needs, i.e., our sexual drive and emotions. The color associated with this chakra is Orange. The attributes of Orange color for the body includes conviction in ones actions and the art of thinking independently.
3. The Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) is situated in the stomach region. This third chakra is associated with lending power, will and identity to the individual. The color associated with this chakra is Yellow. The attributes of Yellow color for the body include thought clarity and self-worthiness.
4. The Heart Chakra (or Anahata), situated at the center of the chest, is associated with love, relationships, and compassion. Green is the color associated with this chakra, which empowers the body with the sense of forgiveness and intimacy.
5. The Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) is situated in the throat region. This fifth chakra is associated with expressing oneself and communicating with others. The color associated with this chakra is Blue. The attributes of Blue color for the body includes creativity, self-identification, and clearly expressing ones thoughts.
6. The Brow Chakra, or Ajna, is located between the eyebrows at the third eye position. This chakra is associated with intuitive power of the body. The associated color is Indigo, which is known for its qualities of understanding, self-responsibility and visualization.
7. The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) is situated on top of the head. This seventh chakra is associated with knowledge and wisdom. The color associated with this Chakra is Violet. The attributes of Violet color for the body includes spiritual awareness and self-knowledge.
Quite simply, Chakra Color Therapy refers to simple exercises that use the relevant colors to correct the movement of imbalanced chakras. But, before you employ Chakra Color Therapy to treat the imbalance, its vital to know which chakra or chakras is/are affected in the body.
Color Breathing is the next step after you have identified the imbalanced chakra. The exercise involves lying down in a relaxed position with all the seven cloth swatches besides you. Now that you have identified the chakra that need your attention, take the relevant colored cloth swatch and place it on the body part associated with the affected chakra. Take deep breaths. Relax. Visualize the color of the cloth being absorbed by the body and healing the affected chakra. Practice it for 5-10 minutes and you will feel the difference. Repeat for all the damaged chakras.
You can easily maintain chakra balance in the body by regularly practicing Chakra Color Therapy for about 10 minutes daily. It will recharge and oil your chakra movements while keeping their healthy movement going within the body. Your physical, mental and spiritual well being was never so easy to attain.