Las Vegas Zero Needle, Zero Knife Vasectomy

Las Vegas is known for its lavish hotel pools, hot climate, and beautiful bikini-clad women. It is a place where a man can win or lose a fortune with a roll of the dice, where sex sells, and where secrets are kept. It is also a place which offers an innovative male birth control method without the pain and anxiety of a traditional vasectomy.

Ten years later, in 1999, modern science and a certain Dr. Wilson found a way to eliminate the needle entirely. Using an injector, pain-numbing solution can be delivered via a tiny stream to each vas deferens. The area is instantly numb. No needles. No pain. No fear.

Your journey will begin with a consultation. A qualified Las Vegas doctor will examine you, take a medical history, and explain the entire procedure in as much or as little detail as you desire. He or she will do their best to make you feel at ease and answer any questions you may have. You will then be given instructions for the day of the procedure, and it will be scheduled. Be sure to follow any per-surgical instructions the doctor gives you.

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It was a bold statement to the woman in his life – a testament that he was willing to endure significant pain to spare her from the hassle traditional birth control entailed. With the no needles, no scalpels vasectomy, the man can make the same statement without the pain. It’s a win-win situation for everyone.

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