Lighting A Room

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One factor that affects the overall look of a room is the lighting design. Selecting the right kind of lights and placing them appropriately can change the entire feel of a room. So, it is very essential to know about the different lighting fixtures and their usage, so that you can select the right ones to get the desired feel for your room.

Ambient lights are the general purpose lights for lighting up the entire space. Ceiling lights and wall sconces are the best examples of ambient lights. These fixtures cover the wall area which in turn reflect the light and give a good look in the room.

Ambient lights should be used in such a way that they serve as background lights and not the center lights. They should not be too bright neither too dim.

Task lighting are also known as functional lights as they are mainly used for areas where some specific tasks are performed like reading, writing, stitching, cooking etc. So every room where some of these activities are carried out must have task lights.

The key to good task lightings is installing them directly over or slightly to the side of each area. Include task light in every area of the room where you carry out specific activities, at the desk, above the bar and dining table. Link them all to separate switches to be able to switch them on and off whenever you need them.

Accent lights also play an important role in the lighting design of the home but are ignored many a times. They are mainly used to highlight the decorative pieces of the room. But you should decide beforehand what all objects to highlight. But make sure not to over power your room with them.

Be creative with your accent lights. Halogen spotlights can be used to accentuate a beautiful work of art. A light can also be placed on the floor beneath an indoor plant to create shadows on the ceiling. With accent light and a few well chosen decor accents and paintings, any room can turn into a theater of arts!

Another type of fixtures that you use at home is the decorative lights. These are very elegant and beautiful fixtures that they can themselves be used as art pieces. They do not emit bright light and are specially used to add to the beauty of your room.

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