Listen to Dog Expert’s Interviewed About Caring for Your Dog

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In the past I’ve wrote many articles and blog posts on healthy dog food, but today I would like to talk more about everything else it takes to raise a dog.

Pet parents around the world all always wishing they knew how to get answers to simple questions like how to take a trip with their dog, or even simpler yet how to get them to sit on command. Did you ever wish you knew how to make your own flea and tick repellant from all natural ingredients?.

One of the side benefits about my hundreds of hours of research on dog food has been that I have been able to find reliable resources for answers to all of the questions above. This has allowed me to be a better parent for my two dogs.

The biggest problem is weeding out the facts from the myths, or should I say the experts from the scams artist. To say the least this has been a change, after all we want to know that we will be helping our dog before we make changes to their care.

I often wondered what it would be like; if we could interview experts in the field about all the questions we might ever have about raising a healthier dog. It would be great if we could call a vet every time we have a question, but that is not particle.

Believe it or not your vet is not an expert in every thing you need to know about raising your dog. They know very little about nutrition even less about training.

Most people don’t even think about the fact that you should find out what breed is going to fit best with your family and your home

If you have been a parent for some time you might would like to know the best way to care for an elderly dog, but where do you find expert advice on this topic?

Finding the answers to these questions and hundreds of more you will have can be frustrating and most people end up winging it. That could end up being a bad experience for you and your dog.

Studies show that eighty present of pets left in shelters are because the owners had a problem they didn’t know how to correct. Most case is because the owner picked the wrong breed for their family and or the area they live.

The good thing about all my research is the fact that I have found recorded expert interviews for most any question you might have on becoming a better pet owner.

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